
Horse Health Blog

Cold Weather

Cold Weather

Posted by Bluebonnet on Feb 29th 2024

Know When Your Horse Is Cold A thermoneutral zone (TNZ) is the range of temperatures at which a horse is most comfortable and healthy. This range can differ depending on location or health … read more
​Alfalfa: Friend or Foe?

​Alfalfa: Friend or Foe?

Posted by Jyme Nichols, PhD on Jun 1st 2022

Most conversations about alfalfa are loaded with misconception. In some parts of the country, the leafy green legume is readily available and commonly fed to horses. In other parts, it … read more
Hay Quality Determined by Time of Harvest

Hay Quality Determined by Time of Harvest

Posted by Jyme Nichols, Ph.D. on Feb 19th 2019

Harvest time of hay is one of the most influential factors that determine the quality of hay. As grasses and legumes continue to grow and mature the amount of valuable nutrients … read more