
Horse Health Blog

Feeding the Overweight Horse

Feeding the Overweight Horse

Posted by Bluebonnet on May 31st 2024

Over 50% of horses are considered overweight, with 20% falling into the "obese" category. Obesity in horses may seem like an innocent problem, but the negative effects can pile-on qui … read more
Hay Quality Determined by Time of Harvest

Hay Quality Determined by Time of Harvest

Posted by Jyme Nichols, Ph.D. on Feb 19th 2019

Harvest time of hay is one of the most influential factors that determine the quality of hay. As grasses and legumes continue to grow and mature the amount of valuable nutrients … read more
Estimating Body Weight of Your Horse

Estimating Body Weight of Your Horse

Posted by Jyme Nichols, PhD on Sep 18th 2018

Knowing the body weight of a horse is an essential element for many management decisions. Most horse owners and veterinarians underestimate body weight of a horse when using only visual a … read more