
Horse Health Blog

Equine Feed Safety: Ionophore FAQs

Equine Feed Safety: Ionophore FAQs

Posted by Bluebonnet on Aug 30th 2024

This FAQ is designed to address your most pressing questions about ionophore contamination and offer guidance on how to ensure the safety of your horse's feed.Q: What are ionophores, and how are they … read more
EPM Prevention & Support

EPM Prevention & Support

Posted by Dr. Jyme Nichols on Jul 11th 2024

Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) is a neurologic disease caused by a parasite that attacks the brain and spinal cord of horses. The parasite, Sarcocystis neruona, can seriously damage a horse’ … read more
Is Vitamin E, Enough?

Is Vitamin E, Enough?

Posted by Bluebonnet on Jul 1st 2024

Many horses benefit from supplemental vitamin E in order to counter act stress and the negative consequences of EPM or muscle dysfunction. However, by supplementing vitamin E only without vitamin … read more
Heat, Hydration, & Electrolytes

Heat, Hydration, & Electrolytes

Posted by Bluebonnet on Jun 26th 2024

⚠ CAUTION: Extreme Heat Advisory! ⚠ Warnings like these mean summer is in full swing. Day after day of excessive heat can stress out any horse owner. Read along to understand … read more
June 2024 Supplement Updates

June 2024 Supplement Updates

Posted by Bluebonnet on Jun 12th 2024

As we continue our mission to empower horse owners, you might see some familiar faces getting a makeover. The trusted Stride® Animal Health products you know and love are officially joining the Bluebo … read more