
Horse Health Blog

A Lifetime of Missing Nutrition

A Lifetime of Missing Nutrition

Posted by Bluebonnet on Sep 26th 2022

You’ve just purchased that aged horse or young prospect that you've had your eye on. While they've been living the good life out on full-time pasture, they've never seen a pellet of feed or … read more
​Alfalfa: Friend or Foe?

​Alfalfa: Friend or Foe?

Posted by Jyme Nichols, PhD on Jun 1st 2022

Most conversations about alfalfa are loaded with misconception. In some parts of the country, the leafy green legume is readily available and commonly fed to horses. In other parts, it … read more
Senior Horse Nutrition

Senior Horse Nutrition

Posted by Bluebonnet on May 4th 2022

More than 15 percent of the U.S. equine population is older than 20 with many still participating in athletic activities. With so many of today’s horses living and working into their late 20 … read more