
GI Intensive Care (GI Calm)

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Product Overview

Bluebonnet® GI Intensive Care

PACKAGING UPDATE: * (Formerly Stride GI Calm). Keeping its GI - specific identifier, the new “Intensive Care” description helps highlight its extra strength gut support that works when other digestive aids have failed.

Supports Normal Intestinal Tight Junction Function

GI Intensive Care supports normal function of epithelial tight junctions in the gut. GI Intensive Care is ideal for supporting normal GI health and function in the face of stressors such as travel, training and performance. When other digestive supplements have failed, it is time to try GI Intensive Care. Benefits include:

  1. Supports normal tight junction function in the gut.
  2. Helps support structural integrity of the gut lining.
  3. Enhanced gut function.
  4. Supports normal GI health and function.
  5. Enhanced immune function.
  6. Promotes the body’s innate resistance to pathogens.
  7. Keeping the digestive tract functioning properly which may help reduce the possibility of colic.

Key Ingredients:

  • Butyric Acid
  • L-Glutamine
  • Peptides
  • Antioxidants


  • Feed 1 scoop (33 grams) twice daily. If results are not achieved after 7 days, mix 2 scoops (66 grams) into feed twice daily.
  • Please consult with us regarding the best approach to address intestinal health for your horse.


GI-Calm Spec NASC 030124


(13 reviews) Write a Review

13 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    A Game Changer

    Posted by Suzette and Boots on Mar 13th 2024

    I suspected leaky gut on my new guy and he ticked so many boxes on the symptoms. Initially had him on it for a month and saw improvements but ran out and thought let's see if it's really this supp making the difference. Sure enough all his symptoms came back - grumpy to touch, reluctant to move under saddle, gassy, intermittently resting hind legs. He's been back on it now for three weeks and sure enough GREATLY improved again and had the best ride ever yesterday. Plan to keep him on it now for 6 months and see if that gets those tight junctions sealed. He came to me with multiple health problems, was in a neglected home and had trailered thousands of miles. So glad to be seeing SUCH a positive change.

  • 5
    GI calm

    Posted by janet marden on Apr 6th 2023

    Only thing that helps my horses leaky gut

  • 5
    GI Calm

    Posted by Michelle Owens on Jun 10th 2022

    As of the date of my review, my mare has been treated with 1 bucket of GI calm and has just started her 2nd bucket. She had a sever case of leaky gut. She started to show improvement of her symptoms approximately the last week of the 1st bucket. The improvements noticed so far are: less skin sensitivety to grooming, less itchy skin, less reactiveness when flexing and bending, better tolerance when saddling, and more willingness to move forward. I definitely recommend GI Calm for a horse with Leaky Gut Syndrome.

  • 5
    GI Calm

    Posted by Sandy Rose on Mar 30th 2022

    Love this product.

  • 5
    GI Calm

    Posted by Tina Coots on Nov 18th 2021

    After about 6 weeks, we were able to see a difference in our guy! Worked well for him when other products had not!

  • 5
    GI Calm

    Posted by Sandy Rose on Oct 28th 2021

    Love this product. I can tell a difference in the demeanor and performance of my driving pony. Havenā€™t had to use any other gastric supplements since starting on this product and use it on all of my performance ponies now.

  • 5
    20 year old Warmblood gelding

    Posted by S Schoettle on Nov 23rd 2020

    GI Calm finally helped my gelding - I have a new horse. My gelding has had digestive problems since I bought him as a 6 year old. Frequent gas colic, on and off diarrhea, excessively smelly manure, and retention of fluid in his sheath and legs. Have tried many things over the years and ruled out ulcers and nothing ever helped. After two weeks, he was less gassy, manure smelled less and sheath was normal size. Now after a month, he is even better. Consistent manure, less smell, and has more energy. Thank you!

  • 5
    I am flabbergasted by the results!

    Posted by Kara P on Jul 29th 2020

    ā€‹Dr. Jyme, I am about 2 months in on GI calm/modified hind gut. I am flabbergasted by the results. My vet said last week ā€œwhat did you do to this horse, I have never seen him look or travel this goodā€. He always twists his right hock and she said its gone. I went to my farrier 2 weeks ago and he said ā€œthis is the best I have ever seen your horses moveā€. I honestly did not think a supplement would make that big of a difference. I have literally tried everything- supplements to every prescription and nothing else seemed to make much of a difference. Thank you!

  • 5
    GI Calm

    Posted by J. WYZKIEWICZ on Dec 21st 2019

    My Stella is a 20 year old Mare that's had chronic diarrhea for 1.5 years. After spending thousands of dollars on the expensive pastes, meds, scopes, ultrasounds to no avail, I found Dr. Bill Vandergrift's video on Leaky Gut syndrome. Stella was a textbook case. This was my last chance with Stella, for she was so sick, that I did not want her nor I to go through another Michigan winter with liquid diarrhea. In October we began GI Calm and changed her diet to primarily Timothy grass pellets, and only 2 flakes of hay per day. We mixed GI Calm in apple sauce with a new beet pulp grain feed, with sucralfate, and a ph regulator powder. Within 2 weeks, we saw her coming back. Now for Christmas, the Boss Mare is back! Stella went from the verge of death to having the energy, muscle tone, and looks of a teenager! She's at full weight and is entirely herself. We are making the transition to regular diet slowly, and are now switching to the ADR maintenance powder with high anticipation for pasture grass in the Spring to complete the transition. In conclusion, expensive pastes, powders, and meds do not work alone. Changing her diet to grass pellets along with the GI Calm powder of Dr. Bill's research, has saved my Stella and I am so very grateful. My highest recommendation....and please don't give up until you try this regimen. ā¤