
Horse Health Blog

Dangerous Nutrition

Dangerous Nutrition

Posted by Jyme Nichols, PhD on Oct 18th 2020

Never feed moldy hay, always offer clean water, and never let a horse eat too much grain. We all know those things, right? However, there are several other potentially dangerous situations w … read more
No Foot, No Horse

No Foot, No Horse

Posted by Jyme Nichols, PhD on Aug 26th 2020

Ever heard the saying “No Foot, No Horse”? Maybe you have dealt with foot problems in your own horse. It’s not a fun situation, and many times it can feel like nothing you try is working. A … read more
Solving the Omega-3 Mystery

Solving the Omega-3 Mystery

Posted by Jyme Nichols, PhD on Aug 26th 2020

Horses commonly receive omega supplements to benefit health, performance, and outward appearance. However, few people understand the differences and what to look for when adding omegas to th … read more
Cautions For Omeprazole Use

Cautions For Omeprazole Use

Posted by Jyme Nichols, PhD on Aug 26th 2020

Equine gastric ulcer syndrome is a common condition in performance horses. More than 60% of performance horses may suffer from gastric ulcers at some point in their career due to the stressf … read more
​Leaky Gut Syndrome in Barrel Horses

​Leaky Gut Syndrome in Barrel Horses

Posted by Jyme Nichols, PhD on Aug 25th 2020

Leaky gut syndrome is popping up on the radar of more and more barrel horse owners. It is a condition that affects more horses than we realize, and much effort is being put in from researche … read more