
Horse Health Blog

Gaining an Edge with Muscle Tone

Gaining an Edge with Muscle Tone

Posted by Jyme Nichols, PhD on Dec 17th 2020

Riding horses is a physically demanding sport. Not only for the horse but for the rider as well. I like to use analogies and stories to help people relate to what is going on with their horse. So, … read more
Alley Issues Tied to Nutrition

Alley Issues Tied to Nutrition

Posted by Jyme Nichols, PhD on Dec 8th 2020

No matter what kind of races you attend or what caliber horse you ride, fine tuning your horse’s nutrition program increases your chance of success. Have you ever felt a sugar high from eating a ca … read more
James Payne Values Good Condition & Simplicity

James Payne Values Good Condition & Simplicity

Posted by Jyme Nichols, PhD on Dec 2nd 2020

Maintaining horses in the perfect body condition is a top priority for cutting horse trainer, James Payne, an NCHA Open Hall of Fame rider whose lifetime NCHA earnings exceed $3.6 million. W … read more
What is Moving Up?

What is Moving Up?

Posted by Dr. Bill Vandergrift on Nov 25th 2020

What is Moving Up?Is your horse missing the winners circle by a hair? Does it seem like he or she needs just a little extra “something” to move to that next level? Whether your horse is clearing jumps … read more
Balancing Metabolic pH

Balancing Metabolic pH

Posted by Jyme Nichols, PhD on Oct 19th 2020

Ensuring your horse’s metabolic pH is balanced might be one of the simplest things you can do to keep your horse healthy and feeling his best. The problem is, most people have never even hea … read more